
Follow up on the latest improvements andΒ updates.


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2FA access authentication is now live for your accounts, and can be enabled within your Account settings!
Make sure to go in and enable it to have an extra layer of security for your account, also double check if your specified phone number’s correct before having it enabled πŸ‘
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Are you offering subscriptions to customers that need to stop renewing after a certain period? Think pregnancy-themed boxes, educational toys, or project kits for specific age groups.
Now you can set up your subscription plans to auto-expire after a set number of billing terms!
Simply enable the toggle in the plan’s settings and specify the number of periods/cycles after which it will automatically expire. Expired subscriptions do not affect the churn metric.
You can also experiment with adding this type of plan as a buying option that requires less purchase intent from a customer.
Gift subscriptions with a predefined number of periods are now treated as auto-expiring subscriptions and no longer affect the churn metric.
+cash app
We're excited to announce that our billing engine now supports asynchronous payment validation, allowing you to offer even more payment options through Stripe. The newly available payment methods include:
  • Amazon Pay
  • Cash App
  • ACH Direct Debit
  • ACSS
  • BECS
  • BACS
  • SEPA
  • iDEAL*
  • Sofort*
  • Bancontact*
* To accept payments with iDEAL, Sofort, and Bancontact, you need to have SEPA enabled in your Stripe account.
To enable these payment methods on your checkout, simply activate them in your Stripe account.
Additionally, you can manage which payment methods to hide (e.g., SEPA) on checkout using the "Stripe payment methods" section of Billing settings.
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We are excited to announce the latest upgrade to Subbly's Klaviyo integration! With this new version, you can now collect purchase value, track all subscription lifetime events, and access complete events payloads. This means you have more detailed and valuable insights into your customers' behaviors and preferences, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies with unprecedented precision.
  • Create targeted follow-up emails after each purchase to gather feedback, recommend complementary products, and increase customer engagement.
  • Deploy automated win-back campaigns to re-engage inactive subscribers by offering special promotions or showcasing new products based on their past purchase behavior.
  • Nurture the leads previously collected with Subbly with personalized onboarding sequences, special offers, and tailored content to convert them into loyal, long-term customers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to optimize your email marketing and grow your business with Subbly and Klaviyo.
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We are excited to open-source our checkout code and share it with the community.
1️⃣ Open-sourcing our checkout code reduces the cost and delivery time for customized experiences. You and your developers can quickly implement tailored solutions using the existing code, making development more efficient and cost-effective.
2️⃣ This initial release is designed to be robust and user-friendly. To provide support and gather feedback, we are granting access to the private repository on a case-by-case basis. This allows us to assist users individually and incorporate suggestions effectively.
If you are interested in accessing the open-source checkout code, please click the link below.
This will help us understand your needs and provide the necessary support. Once reviewed, we will grant you access to the private repository. Thank you for your interest and cooperation!
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Great news! We've introduced a new feature that lets you manually define tax regions and assign specific rates to each product category. This means that merchants worldwide can now set varying tax rates based on product types, ensuring compliance with local tax laws. You can even designate certain products as tax-exempt.
Our manual tax settings provide a flexible and cost-effective alternative to automated systems, giving you the control needed to stay compliant no matter where you do business.
Exclusive Early Bird Offer:
Upgrade to a Subbly plan or higher and be among the first 10 to enjoy 50% off your first month!
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We're excited to introduce our new checkout template, designed to offer a seamless, single-form checkout experience. This new layout minimizes steps and streamlines the process, aiming to enhance conversion rates.
Preview our new template here.
For those wanting to add feedback, rating or subscription description to the right column under the order summary we've added the custom html conainer
. Therefore, now you can easily embed your custom HTML using Google Tag Manager.
To switch to this new template, simply adjust your settings in the Storefront settings by selecting "Traditional" from the template options.
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Hello Subblians,
We’re pleased to introduce our new Post-Purchase Survey. This feature is designed for those of you collecting preference data that doesn't influence subscription pricing. By shifting this survey to after the purchase, you
reduce the mental load on your buyers
and streamline the checkout process.
This adjustment is particularly beneficial for simple inquiries like "How did you find us?" which can now be seamlessly integrated post-purchase without disrupting the checkout flow.
This change can help speed up transactions and improve your checkout conversion rates, without sacrificing the insights you need to customize your service.
Create the Post-Purchase Survey
today and start optimizing your sales process!
Big news! We're bringing something
to your subscription-first business - Configurable Bundles. Now, mixing and matching your products is as easy as pie, giving your customers the power to save big while getting exactly what they want βœ…βœ….
Key Benefits:
  • Unmatched Flexibility
    : Our bundle feature beats everything else on the market, hands down.
  • More Revenue, Happy Customers
    : Encourage bigger buys with the promise of bigger savings. It's a win-win.
  • Your Entire Catalog, Now Bundle-able
    : You can sell inventory items from previous boxes using the configurable Bundles.
Explore real examples:
Take Action:
Create your first configurable bundle now or visit our website to learn more.
Unsure and want to test it first? πŸ€”
In celebration of our new feature, merchants on all Subbly plans can now build and preview configurable bundles. However, the option to sell these bundles is exclusive to our Advanced plan subscribers. As a launch special, we're offering a 50% discount on the upgrade difference to the Advanced plan for three months. Interested? Reach out to our support team to take advantage of this offer.
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Hey Subblians, today we're rolling out a series of updates to enhance the product structure on Subbly.
Fixed Bundles
We've moved away from the need to add multiple SKUs per product. Now, you can easily create bundles with one-time products, providing clarity for your customers. They'll be able to see exactly what they're purchasing, as the contents of the bundle will be visible in the cart and checkout views. If you previously used products with multiple SKUs, we've automatically converted them into fixed bundles for you.
Subscribe & Save
Fixed Bundles now include a straightforward Subscribe and Save feature for your storefronts. This allows you to offer bundles that contain both one-time purchase items and subscription options. Here's how to set it up:
  1. Create a fixed bundle.
  2. Select one-time products (either one or multiple).
  3. Determine the price for the one-time option and set up subscription plans.
Updated Cut-off Date Behavior
We've updated the cut-off date feature to allow for more precise planning. Now, you can set the cut-off date before the renewal date, giving you the ability to stop accepting orders for the current month in advance. This helps in better managing your stock levels.
Customers can join long-term subscriptions mid-cycle
For those looking to sell long-term subscriptions with specific shipment dates while allowing new customers to join mid-cycle, Soft Anchored Products are now available.
For example, previously if you had a 6-month plan and wanted to charge customers on the 10th, with a cut-off on the 15th, your customers could join only in the beginning of the 6-months period. If they were late for the first cut-off date, they skipped the whole period. This new type of plans allows new customers to join every month before the 15th during that 6-month period. If they come after the 15th, the shipment is set for the next month.
Multiple copies of subscription in one cart
And the cherry on top: customers can now multiply the number of subscriptions in their cart.
Create your first bundle and stay tuned! More updates are coming.
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