Great news, Subblians!
We're thrilled to announce that our new subscription-first
Cart Widget
is now available and can take your e-commerce business to the next level.
Developed with our new Storefront API, this feature offers a seamless shopping experience for your customers. It allows them to easily add items to their cart, select a plan, and customize their order all on the same page, streamlining the checkout process and reducing the number of steps required.
With over
15 customization options
available out of the box, you can tailor the Cart Widget to your brand's unique look and feel. Choose from various branding options, or use our smart color feature to match the colors and form to your brand. You can also use an existing cart icon or opt for our floating option if you don't have one yet.
Furthermore, you can customize the fields and offer additional options such as add-ons, gifts, coupons, and adjust the wording to suit your needs. Additionally,
the mobile-first design
ensures a seamless experience for customers.
❗Important Note:
Please note that the Cart Widget is currently only available to 75% of Subbly users. If you didn't see the modal window with the announcement the last time you logged in and there is no Cart settings item in the Settings section, but you want to give it a try, please contact our support team.