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We are excited to announce the latest upgrade to Subbly's Klaviyo integration! With this new version, you can now collect purchase value, track all subscription lifetime events, and access complete events payloads. This means you have more detailed and valuable insights into your customers' behaviors and preferences, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies with unprecedented precision.
  • Create targeted follow-up emails after each purchase to gather feedback, recommend complementary products, and increase customer engagement.
  • Deploy automated win-back campaigns to re-engage inactive subscribers by offering special promotions or showcasing new products based on their past purchase behavior.
  • Nurture the leads previously collected with Subbly with personalized onboarding sequences, special offers, and tailored content to convert them into loyal, long-term customers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to optimize your email marketing and grow your business with Subbly and Klaviyo.